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Work should soon switch to finalizing the current (19H1) test build of Windows 10. By Darren Allan 24 January 2019 According to a leak from Twitter Microsoft has begun work on the next big update for Windows 10 which will be deployed later

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It's getting better all the time Windows 8 (and 8.1) is one of the most disliked versions of Windows since Vista, or perha The release date is official. Microsoft Corp said on Monday its new Windows 10 operating system will be available worldwide on July 29, as a free upgrade for users of the most recent versions of Windows. The world's largest software company Not everyone will be candidates; Windows Phone 8.0, for instance, isn't on the upgrade list. By Gregg Keizer Senior Reporter, Computerworld | Microsoft will upgrade only those PCs and tablets running Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.1 Update to Microsoft confirms that the next version of Windows 10 will focus on performance improvements over new features.

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